From: Manuel Haendler Well, I think we all suspected that this would come about sooner or later. ---Ghoull Coalition States Postal Worker OCC The CS used a postal service similar to that of pre-Rifts Earth for years after its founding. The CS Post Office delivered packages, letters, and messenges to anyone within CS territory, for a relatively low charge. However, with new advents in communications technology and the messenger skelebots, a few months ago the agency was deemed wasteful and unnecessary. Emperor Prosek disbanded it. Bad idea. All of the postal workers had been given training in armed combat. This is because they often were alone in highly hostile territory surrounded by D-Bees, bandits, and the like. In addition, many of them were weirdos anyway, with psychotic tendencies, who had been building their own stockpiles of weaponry for years. In short, Emperor Prosek fired a large army of mad dog killers. Fortunately, many of these weirdos were caught before they snapped. Some were thrown into maximum security mental institutions, and are now on their way to becoming productive members of society. Some were enscripted into the Coalition Special Forces, where they serve as assassins and extra firepower. But a few managed to slip through the fingers of the Coalition police, and ran off screaming and cackling into the night. Now, the former postal workers are an unstable and heavily armed force of lunatics. They always travel and work alone. About half of them travel the major roads of North America, bushwhacking innocent passerby and stealing food and ammo. The other half engage in terrorist actions such as bombing or sniper warfare against any target which suits their fancy. Strangely enough, few of these maniacs bear a huge grudge towards the CS. They were thoroughly indoctrinated during their training, and so most of them remain loyal (in their own strange way) to Prosek and the Coalition. No, these lunatics are far more likely to commit acts of violence upon D-Bees, men of magic, and innocent passerby. They are becoming a growing nuisance in Tolkeen (nobody knows how the bastards keep slipping in), and are a great plague to small towns bordering the CS. One postal worker, Dave Maxwell, has been engaging in a guerilla campaign against the Xiticix for months. Rumor indicates that he single-handedly blew up a small hive city. Alignment Requirements: Anarchist or evil only. Attribute Requirements: PE: 12 or higher, ME 9 or less. OCC Skills Radio: Basic (+10%) Detect Ambush (+5%) Sniper Wilderness Survival (+10%) Demolitions (+20%) Prowl (+20%) Pilot Truck (+10%) Navigation (+5%) Read Sensory Systems (+5%) WP Energy Rifle WP Submachine Gun WP of Choice Hand-to-Hand: Basic OCC Related Skills: Select 6 skills from the following list. Communications: Any (+5%) Domestic: None Electrical: Any except Robot Electronics Espionage: Any (+10%) Mechanical: Automotive and Weapons Engineer only Medical: First Aid only Military: Any (+10%) Physical: Any Pilot: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%) Rogue: Pick Locks only Science: None Technical: Any WP: Any Wilderness: Any Secondary Skills: Pick 6 skills from the above list. All secondary skills begin at the base level of proficiency, with no bonuses. Standard Equipment: CS Energy Rifle of Choice with 4 extra clips, Energy Pistol of Choice with 4 extra clips, 6 Grenades, 5 lbs. of Plastique Explosive and Assortment of Detonators, Assault Rifle of Choice, Vibro- Knife, Survival Knife. Backpack, Binoculars, Air Filter and Gas Mask, Utility Belt, Camoflague Fatigues, Postal Uniform, Street Clothes, Tinted Goggles or Sunglasses, Compass, Maps of North America, Combat Boots, 1D6 x 100 credits. MDC Armor of Choice (usually repainted Coalition armor). The vehicle will be either an automobile or a hovercycle. At the first opportunity, the character will probably want to steal a military vehicle (provided he or she knows how to drive one). Postal Workers like using power armor, but hate being cooped up inside it for too long (they get claustrophobic easily). Cybernetics: None to start. Experience: Uses the Crazy experience table.