The Role Playing Hall Of Fame
This section is devoted to those of you that have unbelievable stories about role playing games. Like the time your vagabound killed seven juicers in glitterboy armor, or when your gnome fighter single-handedly killed all the lords of Waterdeep. If you have a story send it in and I will post it.
One time I was playing AD&D, my character was a dwarven psionist pirate. My party was trying to rescue some merfolk from some sahougin(sp?). Thier lair was an under water network of caves with pipes sending water from one room to the next. When we found the prisoners we had to make a plan, I said I would go into the room above, unplug the pipe in the pool(where they kept thier eggs) turn into a shark using animal affinity, shoot through the pipe along with the draining water, then smash into the gaurds. The DM said the attack would do double damage, so I tried it, rolled a natural 20, doubling the already doubled damage, and in the end I caused over fifty points of damage to one, but he nearly bit me in half, the other I smashed into the wall. Then I turned back into my true form to finish them off and be healed(I had only one hit point left). By the end of the adventure I had rolled about 5 consecutive natural 20's, I think my lowest attack roll was 16 for the whole game.
It was great.
The Xaoswolf
I'll Probably feel sorry for this, but, here goes
I once had this real dumb shit for a GM but that is beside the point. We were on a rifts adventure trying to kill some gaint chicken dragons that had a gaze that turned people to stone any way we went to some old guys house to try to ask him how to kill these dragon chickens and he was like our GM a massive asshole so my Tatoo man tried talking some logic into him but to no avail he ended up kicking him in the balls. The old man turned out to be a Fucking gold dragon so against better judgment we tried to kill the bastered but the damn dragon had a "magic" ring that dropped SUBMARINES from the sky (Yes you read that right fucking SUBMARINES only my messed GM could think up something like this without smoking a Bong). We quickly got the hint not to fuck with the old man after he hit my Tatoo man with a sub (Thank God for the Pheonix tatoo) we Quickly got the hell out of there.
In case you didn't know, I was that GM.
The Place: Atlantis.
The Event: Gladiatorial Tournament.
The Contestants: Both armed with basic MDC armor and vibro-blade type weapons.One is an untrained country hick from the Americas, the other is a female cyber-knight from the New West. Guess which one was me? :)
A moral problem: The guy wasn't a gladiator or a monster, but some poor kid who got abducted by Splugorth. He doesn't deserve to die. And if I escape without him, the tournament will have him finished off in the next round - ditto if I let myself lose.
So how do you escape from a heavily guarded colliseum with over 10,000 D-Bees/monsters/guards? I used Empathy to radiate a feeling of trust, then charged in, withdrawing my psi-sword at the last moment and grabbing onto him with my left arm. Using my right, I scaled the grate and threw him up into the stands. The crowd goes nuts - they think that the fight's spilled over into the crowd! I pummel him in the stomach (he's wearing MDC armor, so no damage) and throw him back, pushing him back repeatedly until I'm at the door. Then I grab his wrist and run like hell, reaching the outside and escaping on a hover vehicle. The crowd was too stunned to do anything. Not only did I escape, but the distraction allowed my teammate, whom was in the victory box after her victory, managed to escape as well! -Michael McGee
Now I know this seems unrealistic and all but it did happen....I was playing a game that has been going on for over 2 years now...all the p.c.'s are over lvl 20 and most are over lvl 30..neway....the setting: Faerun(Forgotten Realms for those who are uneducated) the place:Dragon Mountain....hehe. My character is a lvl 36 master elementalist(meaning he controls all 5 elements) :) I am a Harper on the side and I had been asked by the Harper Council to eliminate a clan of dragons that had been ravaging the plains taking all the sheep and crops. So I go to Dragon Mountain and look at the middle of the tall, ever towering mountain. As i looked up I saw an interesting site.. there were three dragons flying in with a whole flock of cattle in cages....these were smart mofo's. I raised my hands and summoned the power of electricity, fire, and other words i cast a fire sphere). I rolled a natural 20...doing double damage to an already inanane amount of normal fire sphere norm does 100d6 damage to a 400 foot radius...very powerful spell. so I did 30d6 x 2 damage to a 400 foot radius...I rolled 50 6's and most the rest were 5's ...I think that I did sumthin like 1000 damage to the top of the mountain...the mountain caved in and killed the dragons that didnt get fried by the fire sphere. i earned mass exp on that little quest.... Kaos Neophyte